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Happy August!

Writer's picture: TKOyogafitTKOyogafit

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

I hope every one had a great weekend! I used to love the 1st of every month. It felt like a time to start something new, even if it's just a fresh look at what you are in the middle of. Somewhere along the lines I lost that excitement for the new months because I just always feel like I'm in the middle of something and quite frankly I didn't/don't want it to be a new month! I was like, "Slow down time!! Let me get some where pleaaaaase!" The passing of time is inevitable though. There's no slowing it down, no stopping it, so we just have to keep moving with it. I've gone through phases in life where I didn't wait for anything, I just did it. I moved to Alaska without knowing any thing about it or where I was going. I moved to Nicaragua without speaking a lick of Spanish, not knowing a soul, no money, for a job where I made $8 a day...and still had bills to pay while I was gone. One month after I got back into the country I moved to Tahoe. Again not knowing anything about it, no job, no place to live, a 1990 F 150 that I took 2 days to drive down because I honestly didn't know if the truck would even survive the drive let alone last me a year and half down here. Then again, one last leap of faith, packed my stuff, bid adieu to Tahoe (for good I thought), headed back north to Alaska and hop on a boat for 4 months. Now, amongst all this hopping around, I managed 6 winters in Tahoe, and this will be my 4th summer (not in a row). I can barely keep track of when I was where, but these past 3 years I have been here in Tahoe full time I have had this lingering feeling that I'm not doing anything exciting. I have to remind myself though that life ebbs and flows, and just because I haven't jumped on a boat or flown to a new country in the last couple of years doesn't mean I'm wasting away. I've taken different kinds of leaps of faith, like starting my own business, and staying stationary (huge one for me)! I'm getting some where with this I promise... Something new doesn't have to be something extreme. It can be checking out a new trail, watching the sunrise/set, from a new view, trying a new class!! So if you feel like things have gotten stagnant, try and look at what is around you from a different perspective. Switch up the tiniest thing, heck even just trying a new coffee blend! I have been running lately and most the runs I have done have been on trails I have never been on in the mix of my 6 years around Tahoe. That in itself motivates me to text my runner friends (by now you all know how much I HATE running) and commit to going out with them so I can see the same lakes and mountains I've seen hundreds of times, but from a new view. Anyway, I did not intend this tangent at all when I sat down to write this! What I intended to say is, it's a new month, are you waiting to do something new? If so, what? And why are you waiting?  If this mess of the last few months has told us anything it should be nothing is certain, so use the time you have now.  Get to class this week, see you on the water! 

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